These one-inch shackle hasps are slightly different than our other products. Although the design is slightly different, they offer comparable protection against unwanted tampering. These heavy-duty shackle hasps are ideal for lockout and tag out. By using these hasps in the workplace, you can keep machinery locked and make sure that it stays locked until inspections or repairs are finished. For these hasps to work effectively, they require each worker to attach a lock. You won't be able to remove the hasps until all of the lockouts are removed. The shackle hasps are great for preventing accidents, and since they're made from heavy-duty steel, they're quite effective at preventing unwanted tampering. The strength of the steel gives these hasps a long lifespan and can resist daily abuse. To prevent corrosion, each product is plated with zinc, so you don't have to worry about weakening of the metal that is caused by corrosion. These hasps are top products because they can hold several padlocks. Each of our shackle hasps can hold a total of four padlocks. Although these products can't hold as many padlocks as some of our other hasps, they can be just as useful. |
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