Boot and glove dryer for home and travel.
When work conditions get tough, you might find that your boots and gloves have been soaked with water. A long shift in heavy rain can leave all of your garments drenched in water. If you need a convenient way to dry your gear, consider the boot and glove drying racks on this page. Since the racks are black, they can blend in with your décor. Each rack is capable of holding a single pair of boots and gloves. By placing these racks over hotel or home heating vents, you can quickly dry your boots and gloves. The racks are designed to keep your gear far enough away from the heat source that they're able to dry gently. Depending on the situation, these racks can be converted or home or hotel use. To make the conversion, you must slide out the rear brace, turn it over and reinsert it. Our boot and glove drying racks are lightweight and can fit into a standard suitcase, which makes them great for frequent travelers. By drying your boots and gloves on these racks, you can dramatically reduce odor caused by mildew. These racks are safe to use with all types of glove and boot materials. They're great for plastic, cloth, vinyl, rubber, PVC and leather materials. |