The Hot Mill extra heavyweight gloves have a knuckle strap, and you can purchase these products by the dozen. These gloves are made of cotton material and will protect your hands from abrasions. They offer some of the best heat protection that you can get from a pair of gloves. The knuckle strap is a handy feature to have, and it makes these gloves much more enjoyable to wear. Although they're made from cotton, these gloves are very tough and protective. They don't come with recommended temperature ranges, so the level of heat resistance that they're able to provide depends on the temperature of the handled products. The heat resistance is also dependent on the length of exposure. Since they're designed to resist heat, these gloves can withstand a long exposure time. They're made to fit over your hands and keep them protected from heat, but they're also useful for applications that could expose your hands to abrasions. The cotton material is very strong and built to last. If your work requires frequent exposure to high levels of heat, these gloves are perfect for the job. However, they're only available in sizes for men. |
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