Labeling is commonly used in the workplace and can make it easier to identify certain objects. Disorganization is a major problem in many workplaces, and the label double roll dispensers on this page can solve this problem. They're designed to dispense tape, so once they've been installed in the workplace, you'll always have plenty of tape for labeling purposes. The dispensers allow you to store labels for write-on labels, UPS and hazardous waste. The benefit of the double roll dispenser is the two removable dowels that it comes equipped with. The dowels are useful because they accept rolls that have a width of one to three inches. Each unit also has a side pockets, which is great for storing markers and pens. These dispensers are especially convenient for tapes that have peel-off backing. For maximum flexibility, they can be mounted to a wall or placed on a tabletop. If you need labels for hazardous waste or UPS, these are some of the best products that we carry. With double dowels, they give you significantly more product flexibility than many of the competing models. They'll dispense the tape that you need to properly label important areas or items. |
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