We carry several different types of first aid kits, and the kits on this page are designed for a specific type of worker. They're designed for loggers and come with 71 pieces. Since they're 16-unit kits, they come with items needed to treat a wide variety of injuries. For your convenience, all of the items are packed inside of a convenient plastic carrying case. These kits meet OSHA 1910.266A standards and have items that loggers might need for an injury. To protect the contents from moisture, each case has a gasket. Like many of our similar products, these kits can be mounted to a wall, which makes them very accessible to loggers. They can even be carried inside the back of a work truck. While on the job, loggers are exposed to a number of different hazards. These kits are made to hold most of the items that workers might need after an injury. They come with nickel-plated scissors, tape rolls, antiseptic cleansing wipes, trauma pads, gauze dressing pads and fabric bandages. They also contain vinyl gloves, biohazard bags and plastic tweezers. These are common products that loggers might need, and each kit contains a variety of other products. |
Logger's First Aid Kit Kit Contents |
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