The Howard Leight® Maximum MAX-30 earplugs come with cords, and they're available in packs of 100 pairs. These products are ideal for workers who're exposed to loud noises. Many studies show that excessive noise can damage a person's hearing. Without the proper hearing protection, severe hearing impairment can occur. The MAX™ corded earplugs are designed to preserve hearing and block excessive noise. Since these plugs deliver a NRR of 33, they can block out even the loudest noises and prevent damage to your hearing. The Howard Leight® Maximum MAX-30 earplugs are some of the best polyurethane plugs on the market. They're contoured to precisely fit the shape of the ear canal, so they deliver comfort throughout the day. These earplugs are designed with a classic bell shape and won't back out of your ears. With long cords, they're always accessible and can be used at any time. Nobody wants to have dirty ears, and these plugs help to prevent dirty ears because they're made out of soil-resistant polyurethane foam. With a noise reduction rating of 33, these earplugs offer some of the best hearing protection that we have available. |
NRR 33 Class A(L)
|SNR 37|SLC80 26 dB/Class 5 |
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