Stop wasting time looking for boots and gloves with these handy racks:
The racks on this page are quite popular because they can be mounted anywhere. They feature black epoxy coating and will hold a single pair of gloves. Some people use these racks to store their favorite pair of camouflage gloves in a convenient location, but they can be used to secure gloves of all sizes and styles. Each rack is designed to hold a single pair of gloves and helps to speed up the drying process. If you find that you need to dry wet mittens or gloves, these racks can get the job done quickly. Since they keep gloves in an open, upright position, it doesn't take long for the material to dry. The racks come with useful foam tape, so they're easy to mount in almost any location. They even have holes that are designed for screws. If you need to store several pairs of gloves at a time, then you might want to consider a different product. For superior durability, these racks are steel coated with black epoxy, so they're built to last and endure daily abuse. Many of our customers prefer to mount these products to the side of a center console, but since they can be mounted anywhere, you can get creative and find the mounting location that works best for your needs. |
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