The restaurant first aid kits on this page contain 24 units, and they're designed for restaurant workers. Every day, thousands of injuries occur inside restaurants. Some injuries are minor and involve a small cut while others are much more serious. These first aid kits are designed to treat minor injuries, but they're also useful for containing larger injuries until medical personnel can arrive. Since these kits contain 204 pieces, there should be something to use for any injury imaginable. Each kit features a durable metal case and can handle most minor injuries that occur inside of a restaurant. These first aid kits are great for workers, but they'll work just as well for patrons. Every kit comes with products for burn relief, eye care, tablets, compresses and bandages. They even come with a one-way valve face mask to prevent contamination from occurring during CPR. Like most of our other first aid kits, these kits can be mounted to a wall, or they can be stored inside of a drawer. They're designed to be placed in an accessible location, so restaurant workers will always know where they are. |
Restaurant First Aid Kit Kit Contents |
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