These 16-unit first aid kits are great for welders and can be stored inside of a welding workplace. They're made with a plastic case and contain many of the first aid items that welders might need after getting injured. Welders are considered industrial workers, and since they work in dangerous environments, they deserve industrial-grade care. These 16-unit first aid kits come with 114 pieces, and they have something for almost every type of injury imaginable. The items contained within these kits are great for eye irritations, welder's arc, sprains and minor cuts. All of the first aid items are stored inside of a plastic case, and to prevent moisture from ruining the contents, each case has a gasket. Some of the items that you get are plastic tweezers, industrial eye drops, finger splints, sterile eye pads, non-stick pads and nickel-plated scissors. Since each kit contains 114 pieces, there are several other items included. Welders are constantly exposed to work hazards, but as long as these kits are stored in an accessible location, injuries sustained by welders can be quickly and efficiently treated. |
Welders First Aid Kit Kit Contents |
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